Georgia EPD
Notice regarding
2014 Water Audit Validation
Issue Date: July 17, 2017
As a public water system serving 3,300 or more individuals, the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) will soon be validating the 2014 water loss audit you submitted to EPD pursuant to the Rules for Public Water Systems to Improve Water Supply Efficiency, Rule 391-3-33-.04.
To assist in the validation process, EPD has contracted with the firm Cavanaugh, teamed with CH2M and Black & Veatch. You may recall this team validating the water loss audits for 2012 and 2013. The validation process for your 2014 water loss audit will be similar, including a telephone interview.
Cavanaugh’s team will be contacting you very soon to schedule a convenient time for a telephone interview to review your 2014 audit with you to ensure that they are complete, and to gather any additional information that may be needed for final validation. We respectfully request your prompt attention to their scheduling request.
If you should have any questions, please contact me at or via phone at 404-463-4910.
Christine Voudy
Water Withdrawal Permitting Program